Tuesday 23 September 2014

World Environment Day special- The Shining Plumage

Mother nature gave me a treat today (5th July), as a return gift on World Environment Day 2014.
A dream came true, a dream of witness a peacock in fully opened plumage;  in the wild. And not far did I have to travel, in Pune itself their lies a heaven known in common tongue as 'ARAI hill' or 'Vetal Tekdi'

It was  one of those rare days when there wasn't an option but to go to the Arai hill alone. Damp morning atmosphere and prospective mud might be a game killer for many, it invigorated me instead.
After the daily ritual of walking to and from the stone quarry I turned towards the watering holes made by Dct members just to take a quick glance at them.
The mud made going slow but also muffled my approach.

Just where the road forks there appeared a few peahens on the right hand side, absolutely plain to see.. Crouching a little low I soon spotted a full grown peacock with atleast six feet plumage dangling gracefully at his tail. He called out to the peahens once, but not heeding his call the peahens lumbered their way across the road on the left and presently disappeared in the undergrowth. The peacock though, made a wide approach stalking them with agility. He crossed over to the left from behind my vantage point and was soon in pursuit of the teasingly retreating peahens. 

Keeping track of the peacock and the peahens at the same time wasn't an easy task.
I  hoped they would end up at the watering holes and drink a few draught from it.. That was all I hoped to see, for a lot of hard work had gone into preparing those watering holes, and to see them deemed fit by the  birds, is nothing short of bliss.!

When they finally reached the watering holes, the peahens pecked at the water surface. The peacock though a little lagging, when caught up seemed to have disturbed the ladies. They went on to the next watering hole loudly calling out to their companions in the forest beyond. A few more peahens joined in. This was becoming quite a spectacle.

The peacock now probably encouraged walked right up to them in the clearing and without a warning swished open his plumage.  

Stumped by the magnificence of it I fervently wished I had a binoculars or a camera. He wagged and danced with his plumage fully opened trying to catch an eye of the ladies. Seemingly unimpressed the peahens ignored him and continued pecking at the water surface. 
'Attitude' I guessed, females in every species display this deterrent :P

A little peahen went close to the peacock but he stepped back, which meant he probably had his eyes set on a bigger prize.
Meanwhile, I wanted the show to go on and hoped and wondered if I could also witness the mating !!
A shaft of reluctant sunlight smothered it's way through the clouds, and bathed the peacock in brilliant gold, and it was  possibly the most mesmerising sight I've seen in a long time. The Sun-kissed peacock swayed and waltzed with hope, acceptation of the proposal seemed near; very near.

Just then a few men came in to disturb the scene and the entire group of peahens fled down the slopes beyond. Plumage  now closed the peacock reluctantly followed them. A spectacle that  began without a warning ended with a reminder to enjoy responsibly.

How I wish there were a few more people to witness this beauty.

Now I fully grasp why the peacock is the National Bird of our country.

P.S : The image used here is for representational purpose only

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